Registration for legal advice

    Your Request


    If yes: (please check if your case is covered by your legal protection insurance. If not, we are happy to help you.)

    General legal advice

    Member, residing in Switzerland We will be happy to answer your legal questions and, if necessary, contact third parties on your behalf.

    Non-member, residing in Switzerland We are happy to answer your legal questions, but we do not take action against third parties.

    No residence in Switzerland, request concerns a Swiss company: You must subscribe to a membership to receive legal advice (including contacting the company involved).

    No residence in Switzerland, request concerns a foreign company: Please contact your local consumer organization.

    E-Commerce Ombudsman OfficeA consultation as well as possible contact, regardless of membership, is possible if you reside in Switzerland or if the company is headquartered in Switzerland.

    "Do you want to become a member and receive comprehensive legal advice? CLICK HERE"

    Your Contact Details

    Details of your request



    max. 5 files, max. 2MB per file; for example, a purchase confirmation, important correspondence, right to request information. Don't forget: we need a signed power of attorney for the right to obtain information, if you want us to contact the other party. You must upload it with the attachments.)

    *Please note that our expertise is limited to advice and mediation. This is a general advisory service. If you need further legal assistance, we recommend contacting a lawyer. You are responsible for your interests (including all deadlines) yourself. The Swiss Consumers' Forum kf disclaims any liability for damages resulting from the advice provided.

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